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Unsafe Hand

⏤ A symbiotic future manifesto from a non-human perspective.

video Unsafe Hand


we are speaking with a human voice

for those who have no voice for those

who for centuries were caring

breathing nurturing and decomposing

provided the basis of life

the air 

the earth 

the unknown

we are speaking for those destroyed 

cut out



or killed during the

shameless era of deforestation 

by the hand that once they nourished

the tree once a home 

then became a resource 

a cheap board

a burning tool 

a component without rights

without the right to live 

valued more dead than alive

once we spoke a common language 

we shared hormones

we exchanged pheromones 

once the dense curtain of ignorance has collapsed

we have to admit 

there is no place for bioinjustice

there is only the common understanding

that interspecies symbiosis can lead to environmental balance

survival can only come when homo sapiens

those responsible for the destruction of natural habitats

who clear out biodiversity 

give up their position at the top of the ladder of beings

this ladder needs to be destroyed

replaced with equal seats around the same table

ourselves animals plants fungi bacteria minerals particles

the building blocks of life

we are all a single organism and it's

only as such that we stand a chance of


we are

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© 2024 by Kamila Iżykowicz

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